Bangkok Counselling

Where to Find Bangkok Counselling & Therapy Providers

Welcome to our Bangkok Counselling and Therapy Services page, where you can find a diverse team of male and female therapists dedicated to providing professional and effective counselling services for individuals, couples, families, children, teens, and adolescents. 

Our experienced counselling team cover a wide range of specialised areas, including anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, alcohol and substance abuse, marriage counselling, Thai Western relationships, and LGBTQ+ concerns.

Our therapists are skilled in working with clients from nationalities, cultures and time zones, ensuring flexibility in scheduling sessions. While our primary clientele consists of English and Thai speakers, we also offer counselling services in other languages such as Mandarin, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Korean, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu.

Before making any commitment  we offer the following:

  • Free 15 minute Zoom video consultation for individuals
  • Free 30 minute Zoom video consultation for couples and families.


This gives the opportunity to discuss things further, answer any questions you have and if you are happy to proceed, arrange a mutually convenient time for the first full counselling session.

For more information please contact us or complete our client enquiry form. This will give a little extra information to help us select whom we believe the most suitable therapist would be and then we can email you a list of available appointment times for the free initial consultation.

Choosing the Most Suitable Bangkok Counselling Services

In addition to online reviews here are some important factors to consider when choosing a counsellor in Bangkok. 

Native Speaker: Many of our therapists are Western-trained and native or fluent English speakers, making them ideal choices for clients who are more comfortable conversing in English. For Thai clients seeking counselling in either individual or couples therapy, our native therapists are fully bilingual in Thai and English. 

Gender: Our counselling team comprises both male and female therapists with extensive experience in working with clients of various genders. We understand the significance of this preference and allow clients to request a therapist of a specific sex or gender during the initial online enquiry process before committing to sessions. 

Experience and expertise: Ensure that the therapist has both academic experience (Bachelors / Master’s Degree) and relevant practical expertise in the specific areas you are seeking help with.

Approach and style: Different therapists employ various counselling approaches, techniques and therapeutic approaches which you can which can be discussed in more detail during the free initial consultation and first session. 

Compatibility and rapport: Establishing a good rapport with your counselor is crucial for effective therapy. Consider scheduling an initial consultation to assess the therapeutic connection.

Accessibility and availability: Ensure that the counsellor’s schedule aligns with yours and that they can provide the necessary support when you need it.

Cultural sensitivity: If you have specific cultural or identity considerations, it is important to find a counsellor who is knowledgeable and respectful of these aspects. Please advise us of this when completing our initial enquiry form. 


Important Note

Recommendations for counsellors or therapists in Bangkok can often be found through online reviews or personal recommendations. However, we understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality in the counselling process. Therefore many individuals prefer to remain anonymous and avoid publicly disclosing that they are seeing a counsellor. Like most reputable Bangkok counselling service providers, we offer a free initial consultation. This allows potential clients to gauge the therapist or company’s suitability before making any financial commitment.

Fees, Flexibility, and Online Counselling

Fees: Prices for Bangkok counselling providers can vary and usually average between 2500 and 3500 Thai Baht per 45 to 60 minute session. At Counselling Thailand, we offer competitive fees for both English and Thai-speaking therapists, with no additional charges for couples or family therapy. Our pricing structure is as follows:

2675 THAI BAHT for a 60-minute session

3745 THAI BAHT for a 90-minute session

Flexibility & Online Counselling: Considering the long working hours typical in Asia along with traffic congestion, finding counsellors that can accommodate sessions outside of normal working hours can be a challenge. Nowadays however, there is a lot more flexibility through online counselling both within Thailand and internationally. Online counselling has many advantages including savings in time, travel, and cost as well as greater convenience. Clients can access online counselling with any of our counselling team in multiple languages across several time zones including the US, Canada, Australia, UK and Europe.

Bangkok Counselling

Types of Counselling in Bangkok

At Counselling, we offer various types of counselling to cater to diverse needs:

Individual Counselling: Individual therapy provides in-depth analysis and highly personalised treatment. With the therapist’s undivided attention, clients have the space and time to work through their individual issues comprehensively. The therapeutic alliance is stronger in individual therapy, offering a safe and supportive environment for clients to address different challenges.

Couples Therapy: Couples therapy aims to improve romantic relationships, resolve interpersonal problems, rebuild trust, and deepen commitment. Our relationship and marriage counsellors understand the dynamics of relationships and work with both partners to enhance their connection. While the relationship is the primary focus, individual therapy is likely be recommended alongside couple’s therapy. 

Teen Counselling: Adolescence can be a challenging and vulnerable time for teenagers. Our Thai and English-speaking counsellors specialise in helping teens navigate the physical, emotional, and societal changes they face. By providing support during this critical phase, we aim to empower young clients and equip them with essential skills for their future.

More information for parents, children, teens and adolescents can be found by visiting our teen counselling page and / or visiting our Counselling Thailand YouTube channel where we have relevant videos in both English and Thai language. 

Trauma & PTSD: Trauma-focused therapy addresses the emotional responses and challenges caused by traumatic events. Our experienced therapists actively assist clients suffering from trauma or PTSD in improving associated symptoms, learning coping skills, and restoring self-esteem.

Alcohol Counselling: Unhealthy alcohol use can have a significant impact on individuals’ lives and their relationships. Our alcohol counselling services empower individuals to understand and navigate the effects of alcohol, providing guidance, support, and strategies for positive change.

Bangkok Counselling Approaches and Therapeutic Modalities

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely used modality that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. It emphasizes the connection between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and helps individuals develop healthier coping strategies.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT – Mindfulness): DBT combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices. It was initially developed to treat borderline personality disorder but has proven effective for various conditions. DBT emphasizes acceptance and change, helping individuals regulate emotions, improve relationships, and develop mindfulness skills.

Satir Therapy: Satir therapy is a humanistic approach that focuses on improving self-esteem and enhancing communication within relationships. It emphasizes congruence, self-awareness, and authentic expression of emotions. Satir therapists work on uncovering underlying family dynamics and patterns to promote personal growth and positive change.

Gestalt Therapy: Gestalt therapy emphasizes the present moment experience and encourages individuals to gain self-awareness through direct exploration of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It focuses on integrating fragmented aspects of the self and promotes personal responsibility and self-acceptance.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT): EFT is an evidence-based modality primarily used in couples therapy. It helps couples identify and transform negative patterns of interaction, fostering emotional bonding and secure attachment. EFT focuses on emotions, communication, and building empathy within relationships.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT combines mindfulness practices with the exploration of personal values to help individuals accept and commit to actions aligned with their values, even in the presence of difficult thoughts and emotions. It encourages psychological flexibility and promotes well-being and meaningful living.

Person-Centered Therapy: Person-centered therapy, emphasises the therapeutic relationship and the inherent growth potential within individuals. It focuses on empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence. The therapist provides a supportive and non-judgmental environment to facilitate self-exploration and personal growth.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP): ERP is a specialised form of cognitive-behavioural therapy commonly used to treat anxiety disorders, particularly obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It involves gradually exposing individuals to feared situations or thoughts while preventing their usual anxiety-driven responses, helping to reduce anxiety over time.

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT): REBT is a form of cognitive-behavioural therapy that emphasizes identifying and challenging irrational beliefs to promote healthier thoughts and emotions. It helps individuals develop rational thinking patterns, change self-defeating behaviors, and build resilience and emotional well-being.

Psychodynamics: Psychodynamic therapy explores the unconscious processes and unresolved conflicts that contribute to an individual’s psychological issues. It focuses on the client-therapist relationship, transference, and interpretation of underlying meanings to gain insight into present difficulties and promote personal growth.

Humanistic Therapy: Humanistic therapy emphasises personal growth, self-actualization, and individual potential. It emphasizes empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard to help individuals explore their feelings, values, and aspirations, and make choices aligned with their authentic selves.

Motivational Interviewing: Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, client-centered approach used to explore and resolve ambivalence about change. It helps individuals identify and strengthen their motivation for positive change by eliciting and reinforcing their intrinsic values, goals, and reasons for change.

Exposure Therapy: Exposure therapy is a behavioral therapy used to treat anxiety disorders, particularly phobias and PTSD. It involves gradually and systematically exposing individuals to feared situations or stimuli in a safe and controlled manner, helping them learn to manage their anxiety response and reduce avoidance behaviors.

Please note that these summaries provide only a brief overview of each modality. Each counselling modality encompasses more extensive theories, techniques, and applications that require in-depth study and training to practice effectively.

How to Arrange a Free Initial Consultation

At Counselling Thailand, we understand the importance of finding the right counsellor for addressing your concerns and needs. That’s why we offer a free initial 15 minute consultation for individuals and 30 minutes for couples and families.

The next step for anyone seeking help is to complete our online client enquiry form. This will give a little extra information to help us select whom we believe the most suitable therapist would be and then we can email you a list of available appointment times for the free initial call.

During this consultation, we will discuss your specific situation and determine whether our approach aligns with your needs. We will also answer any questions you may have. If you decide to proceed with counselling, we can then schedule the first full session(s) at a mutually convenient time.

If you have any questions before booking the free initial call you can either visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page,  or mention these whilst completing the online enquiry form.