Counselling Services in Chiang Mai

Counselling Services in Chiang Mai

 Counselling Services in Chiang Mai for adults, children, teens/adolescents, families and couples either in person or online. Our experienced counselling team includes British counsellors and Native Thai therapists along with Mandarin, Malay, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Korean,Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu.

Anyone looking for professional help and support in Bangkok can visit our find therapist in Bangkok or Counselling Services in Bangkok pages for more information.

Seeking Counselling Services for the First Time in Chiang Mai?

There may come a time when you are thinking of talking to someone. This could be a friend, family member or a professional counsellor in Chiang Mai. Dealing with issues such as stress, burn out, relationship problems, trauma, anxiety or depression are not uncommon and more and more people are finding relief through counselling. Taking that first step of speaking to a counsellor for the first time can be daunting so before you make any commitment we offer a free 15 minute initial consultation call. This allows you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the type of therapy offered and most importantly to see if our recommended counsellor is the best fit for you.

The initial consultation is not only free but completely private and confidential and before booking you can choose whether you wish the consultation to be with a male or female therapist and in your preferred language.

Types of Counselling Services we Offer


Below are examples of just some of our therapeutic practices, to help you understand what to expect when researching counselling services in Chiang Mai.

Counselling services in Chiang mai

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

Cognitive-behavioural therapy, or CBT, is one of the best forms of treatment available for many disorders that counsellors in Chiang Mai. It works well to treat things like anxiety, depression, and to help with substance abuse.

CBT looks at the thoughts that precede our emotions and our actions. Think about it like this, if someone were to walk up to you and just start laughing in your face, what would your reaction be? Would you be scared? Angry? Uncomfortable? In a split second, your mind evaluated the situation and told you what to feel.

These thoughts are like rules you follow and were likely things you learned growing up. This could be something along the lines of the world be dangerous, people are untrustworthy, people like me when I act silly, or things like that. They happened so long ago that they are a habit now, and you are not conscious of them.

Working with a professional therapist in a supportive environment, you will discover those old rules. Then you will start to slow your thinking down and evaluate things critically. You will challenge these old assumptions and create new and healthier thoughts to follow.

Person-Centered Counselling


Person-centred counselling by professional therapists means that we will always start by talking with you and finding out what your needs are, and what it is you want to accomplish in counselling.

What research has shown is that you have to want to change. The easiest way to do that is in a safe, and validating environment. When you go see a counsellor in Chiang Mai, we will work to understand your situation and your needs as an individual. We are not here to judge, or tell people what they are doing is right or wrong. We want to, instead, help you figure out what is healthy for you, and what makes you calm, peaceful and happy.


All of this is why your goals become our goals as well. We are not going to tell you to stop doing one thing if your individual goals are something completely unrelated. In person-centred approaches, you are the focus, and we listen to you fully, without judgment.

Emotionally Focused Therapy


Emotionally focused therapy is another form of counselling that we use to help people in need. We believe that emotions are very connected to human needs and actions. We try to understand those emotions to help our clients make better choices.


Sometimes when people are going through a problem or rough area, they are so sad, or angry, or anxious that they cannot think straight. The situation, whether it’s a family problem, trouble at work, or any type of trauma, for example, makes the emotions more intense and problematic at that point. Those emotions are tied with the situation and the needs that are not being met.


The counsellor’s job would be to help you understand and talk about those feelings as a way of working them out. Then it would become easier to look at the problem, your needs in this situation, and what you need to do to improve things. By simply working through difficult emotions, many people find suddenly that the situation isn’t as bad as they thought, and that there are some solutions available that can make things better.


Some people can be embarrassed while looking for a professional counsellor, thinking it means they are weak or crazy. That’s not the case. Everyone will feel stress or worry or sadness at some point in their lives. That is one of the few things that all humans will go through. It’s ok to reach out and seek help when having those feelings.

Other Counselling / Therapy approaches include


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT – Mindfulness): DBT combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices. It was initially developed to treat borderline personality disorder but has proven effective for various conditions. DBT emphasizes acceptance and change, helping individuals regulate emotions, improve relationships, and develop mindfulness skills.

Satir Therapy: Satir therapy is a humanistic approach that focuses on improving self-esteem and enhancing communication within relationships. It emphasizes congruence, self-awareness, and authentic expression of emotions. Satir therapists work on uncovering underlying family dynamics and patterns to promote personal growth and positive change.

Gestalt Therapy: Gestalt therapy emphasizes the present moment experience and encourages individuals to gain self-awareness through direct exploration of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It focuses on integrating fragmented aspects of the self and promotes personal responsibility and self-acceptance.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT combines mindfulness practices with the exploration of personal values to help individuals accept and commit to actions aligned with their values, even in the presence of difficult thoughts and emotions. It encourages psychological flexibility and promotes well-being and meaningful living.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP): ERP is a specialised form of cognitive-behavioural therapy commonly used to treat anxiety disorders, particularly obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It involves gradually exposing individuals to feared situations or thoughts while preventing their usual anxiety-driven responses, helping to reduce anxiety over time.

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT): REBT is a form of cognitive-behavioural therapy that emphasizes identifying and challenging irrational beliefs to promote healthier thoughts and emotions. It helps individuals develop rational thinking patterns, change self-defeating behaviors, and build resilience and emotional well-being.

Psychodynamics: Psychodynamic therapy explores the unconscious processes and unresolved conflicts that contribute to an individual’s psychological issues. It focuses on the client-therapist relationship, transference, and interpretation of underlying meanings to gain insight into present difficulties and promote personal growth.

Humanistic Therapy: Humanistic therapy emphasises personal growth, self-actualization, and individual potential. It emphasizes empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard to help individuals explore their feelings, values, and aspirations, and make choices aligned with their authentic selves.

Motivational Interviewing: Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, client-centered approach used to explore and resolve ambivalence about change. It helps individuals identify and strengthen their motivation for positive change by eliciting and reinforcing their intrinsic values, goals, and reasons for change.

Exposure Therapy: Exposure therapy is a behavioral therapy used to treat anxiety disorders, particularly phobias and PTSD. It involves gradually and systematically exposing individuals to feared situations or stimuli in a safe and controlled manner, helping them learn to manage their anxiety response and reduce avoidance behaviors.

Benefits of Seeking Counselling

● Help with various forms of stress and anxiety
● Overcoming depression and sadness
●Avoidance and attachment issues
Alcohol use and abuse
● Overcoming specific fears and phobias
● Anger management
● Boosting self-confidence and self-esteem
● Family therapy
● Communication and other relationship problems
● Dysfunctional childhood
● Abandonment issues
● Help with loneliness and isolation

● Fear of intimacy
● Building and rebuilding trust
● Thai Western relationship therapy
● Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
● Enhancing motivation and overcoming procrastination
● Finding meaning and purpose in life
PTSD / Trauma
● Gaming addiction
● Phone, internet and social media addiction
● Sex and porn addiction
● Shopping addiction
● Eating disorders

How to get Started

At Counselling Thailand, we understand the importance of finding the right therapist for addressing your concerns and needs. That’s why we offer a free initial 15 minute consultation for individuals and 30 minutes for couples and families before booking your first therapy appointment.

First, complete our online client enquiry form. This will give a little extra information to help us select whom we believe the most suitable therapist would be and then we can email you a list of available appointment times for the free initial call.

During this consultation, we will discuss your specific situation and determine whether our approach aligns with your needs. We will also answer any questions you may have. If you decide to proceed with counselling, we can then schedule the first full session(s) at a mutually convenient time.

If you have any questions before booking the free initial call you can either visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page,  or mention these whilst completing the online enquiry form.