Thai Therapists in London

Access Experienced Thai Therapists in London

Counselling Thailand is bringing the help you need to find Thai therapists in London. Through online counselling with English and Thai speaking therapists, we provide individuals, couples, family, and teen counselling. We have extensive experience in cross-cultural relationships and couples counselling as well as working with the LGBTQ community.  

According to the Office For Nationals Statistics, it was also estimated that around 44000 Thai people live in the United Kingdom. Also, in 2021, London remained the area with the largest proportion of international residents, which is where the largest Thai community is located. 

Knowing that there is a Thai community can help you feel at home and comfortable, however. We understand that living and working abroad can be difficult and distressing at times. It is not easy to discuss your personal concerns and problems with just anyone. In fact, it is even harder to seek help or find a therapist since there are not many counselling services that are accessible for Thai residents, especially counselling services provided in the Thai language. Hence, It is important for you to be able to communicate your daily concerns and uncertainties with someone whom you can trust, willing to listen and truly understand you. 

Our bilingual experienced therapists aim to provide the professional help that you need.

Why Therapy is Beneficial

We understand that therapy might be unfamiliar and may seem daunting or overwhelming at first. Therapy can provide many benefits and it is important to keep in mind that therapy is never limited to only those who are going through complex trauma or having mental health issues. In other words, you don’t have to wait until it reaches your breaking point for you to reach out. Working through complex problems and challenges is never easy and therapy is never a quick fix. Although, therapy requires a lot of time and honesty. However, if individuals keep this in mind and are willing to put in the effort, therapy can be extremely worthwhile and rewarding. Our aim is to provide a safe and judgement-free space, where you are able to open up about your personal feelings and struggles, with a professional help who is there to guide and support you.

thai therapists in londonOther Benefits of Thai Counselling in London include:


  • Individuals are able to learn more about themselves: Our experienced bilingual therapists will hear your story and help you make clearer connections and interpretations while offering support and guidance whenever required. Our main aim is to empower clients to be able to take control of their own lives and take action on their own.
  • Counselling can help you maintain more fulfilling relationships: Whether you are in a relationship or single, our native Thai therapists help you actively address difficulties in relating to those around you and dealing with issues such as mistrust and insecurity.
  • Counselling can lead to improvements in all aspects of life: If you feel there is something holding you down from living life as you envision it, our therapists are able to help you address and rectify that, allowing you to live your life to its highest potential.

Here are some signs suggesting that it may be time to reach out to a therapist:

  • Recurring and irrational thoughts and behaviours begin to take over all aspects of your life, such as work, relationships and overall state of mind.
  • ​​struggling to regulate your emotions.
  • Sleeping more than usual or having difficulty falling asleep
  • If you have gone through recent trauma or tragedy.
  • Family and friends have voiced concern over your actions and behaviours.
  • You have noticeably lower energy levels and lack the motivation to do things you once enjoyed doing.
  • Constantly feeling anxious and overwhelmed.
  • Feeling confused and lost 

Reasons for Thai Residents in London to seek Therapy


We all know it is much easier to talk about your issues and problems with someone you can feel more relatable and comfortable with. Here are some of the reasons why clients may find working with a Thai therapist helpful:


  • They feel a sense of lack of community.
  • Language barriers.
  • Cultural differences.
  • Lack of social connections and friends.
  • They may feel homesick.
  • Easier to relate to someone from the same country as you.


Knowing that there is limited access to Thai speaking therapists in London and with the current situation on COVID-19, online therapy has become increasingly popular and is a modern way to conduct traditional therapy sessions.  Thankfully for that, clients are now able to carry out their therapy sessions without leaving the comfort of their own homes.

Let’s take a look at some advantages of online therapy in London:


  •    An alternate option for those in remote areas: Online therapy can now be accessed regardless of where you are located. All you need to access our counselling services is a reliable internet connection and a quiet space where you feel comfortable.
  •   Affordability and flexibility: We aim to make all our counselling services convenient and affordable for our clients. Acquiring our services from the comfort of your own home also allows clients the flexibility and convenience to schedule sessions according to their preferences. Where our native Thai counsellors work flexible hours in order to make up for differing time zones
  • More convenient and accessible: People now have more options since they are no longer restricted by distances. As we are aware that life can get very busy and it can sometimes be difficult to make it to a counselling appointment. However, you can now comfortably have a session in your own home without having to worry about travelling and save yourself some spare time.

Where to Find Native Thai Therapists in London?


Due to the shortage of Thai therapists not just in London but throughout the UK, we have received several enquiries regarding expanding our counselling services online for both individual and couples counselling. We aim to provide our clients with native Thai counselling services for those who require it most, at more affordable prices and with increased accessibility. Our online counselling services are now available across London and if you feel like you are struggling in a foreign country and need that extra touch of home, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


The good news is that we offer a free consultation call without any financial commitment. Where you get to talk to our therapists and take your time to decide whether we are the best fit for you or to simply answer any other questions you may have.