Thai Therapists in Germany

Experienced Thai Therapists in Germany  – (Erfahrene thailändische Therapeuten in Deutschland)

Looking for experienced Thai Therapists in Germany? Counseling Thailand offers online therapy with English and Thai speaking therapists across Germany and Europe.

Experienced Thai Therapists in Germany  – (Erfahrene thailändische Therapeuten in Deutschland)

Looking for experienced Thai Therapists in Germany? Counseling Thailand offers online therapy with English and Thai speaking therapists across Germany and Europe.

Although there are some excellent resources for Thai ex-pats living in Germany such as InterNations counselling services in Germany in Thai language do not appear to exist according to the many German clients we have helped through online counselling. 

Our experienced therapists offer both individual and couples therapy in both English and Thai language and before making any financial commitment we offer a free initial online consultation.

How can Therapy be Beneficial for you?

Despite the fact that counselling services have been seen to be more accepted these days, there is still a stigma around mental health and seeking help in Thai culture. The misconceptions about counselling and therapy have greatly underplayed the necessity and the significant benefits from it.  

Here are some of the common misconceptions that Thai people may need to overcome when considering counselling.


  • Something has to be seriously wrong to reach out for help: This is unfortunately still one of the biggest misconceptions about counselling. It is crucial to keep in mind, there are no criteria when seeking help and there need not be a clinical diagnosis.
  • The problem will eventually go away on its own: This is another common misconception people have when it comes to seeking help. More often than not, letting the problem fester only creates more problems. Seeking help at an early stage is critical in better managing and solving problems.
  • People may look down on me for seeking help: This is a very relevant misconception about seeking help and we work very hard to combat this stigma on a day to day basis. Remember that there is no shame in seeking help for issues that are affecting and disrupting your life in the most negative of ways.


Benefits of Working with a Thai Therapist in Germany


There are many advantages to seeking a Thai therapist in Germany. Firstly, individuals will be able to comfortably discuss matters in their mother tongue language. Together with our extensive experienced therapists, individuals are allowed to learn and explore more about themselves. Secondly, our trained and experienced counsellors can help individuals, through support and appropriate guidance, to achieve their goals and sustain more satisfactory relationships with others. Lastly, our main aim is to improve all aspects of a client’s life, by empowering clients to take control of their own lives and take action. If you feel there is something holding you down from living the life that you imagined, our bilingual (Thai & English) therapists are able to help you address and find a way to resolve it, allowing you to live your life to its maximum potential.

How to Access Online Counselling with Native Thai Therapists in Germany?

If you or someone around you is struggling and could benefit from working with a native Thai therapist please reach out to us today via our online enquiry form. Clients are now able to access online therapy in Germany, while feeling more comfortable and convenient without having to leave the comfort of their own homes, especially with an affordable price ·


Book a Free Consultation


The good news is that we offer a free consultation call without any financial commitment. Where you get to experience and decide whether we are the best fit for you or to simply answer any other questions you may have. Get started on your journey toward a better life!