
Access Trauma Therapy in Thailand

 Our Trauma therapy is a specialised form of therapy where our trauma therapists actively assist clients in dealing with the emotional responses caused by traumatic events, they may have experienced or been exposed to.

Research suggests that over 50% of individuals will experience at least one traumatic event through the course of their lives. Trauma can include a variety of situations, these could range from bullying, harassment, sexual assault, accidents, natural disasters, chronic abuse and many more.

While not all trauma survivors may experience long-term negative consequences, we understand the intensity of experiencing a traumatic event can profoundly affect the way someone is able to function.

PTSD Post traumatic-stress disorder is a form of long term trauma. For more specific information and to leran more about this please visit our PTSD page.

What is Trauma?

 Psychological trauma can be classified as a response to an event that a person may be exposed to or have experienced and found highly stressful. Some examples of this could include fighting a war, an accident or a natural disaster. Trauma can cause a variety of physical and emotional symptoms.

It is important to keep in mind, not everyone who experiences a traumatic event will develop this trauma. Some people may develop symptoms that may resolve themselves after a few weeks, while others may suffer more long-termed effects.

Individuals who are suffering from having undergone a traumatic event may experience a range of different emotions which may occur both immediately after the event and also in the long term. Individuals may feel anxious, overwhelmed, frustrated, angry and have significant difficulty processing their experiences.

There are also different types of trauma, which include:

  • Acute Trauma: Mainly resulting from a single traumatic event, such as sexual assault or natural disasters. The event is extreme enough to threaten the individuals feeling of security and creates a lasting impression on the individual’s mind. If not addressed appropriately, this may start to affect the way the individual may think and act. Acute trauma is generally seen in the form of panic and excessive anxiety, aggressive behaviour, confusion and irritation.
  • Chronic Trauma: This form of trauma usually occurs when an individual has been exposed to multiple traumatic events over a prolonged period of time. Chronic trauma usually results from domestic violence, bullying, combat and more. The symptoms of this kind of trauma usually develop after a prolonged period and can even present themselves years after the event. Some symptoms include distressing flashbacks, fatigue, anger outburst, nausea and body aches.
  • Complex Trauma: Complex trauma is the result of multiple and varied traumatic events or experiences in one’s life. The events generally lie within an interpersonal relationship and may present an individual with the feeling of being trapped. It is usually seen in those who have been victims of civil unrest, domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, neglect and so on.


Experiencing a traumatic event at some point during your life is becoming more and more common. Let us take a look at some potential causes of developing trauma:

  • Bullying
  • Physical, emotional or sexual abuse
  • Harassment
  • Rape
  • Accidents
  • Domestic abuse
  • Job loss
  • Racism
  • Near-death experiences
  • Childbirth or losing a child
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Torture
  • Terrorism
  • Natural disasters
  • War

Trauma Responses

Emotional and psychological responses:

  • Anger
  • Denial
  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Shame
  • Confusion
  • Sadness
  • Guilt
  • Depression
  • Numbness
  • Guilt
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Hopelessness


Individuals may have frequent and reoccurring emotional outbursts and find it hard to cope with how they are feeling, or even withdraw and isolate themselves from others around them. Flashbacks and nightmares are also commonly associated with Trauma.

Physical responses:

Alongside emotional responses to trauma, individuals may also develop physical symptoms, some of which include:

  • Fatigue
  • Constant sweating
  • Headaches
  • Racing heart
  • Disassociated
  • Hyperarousal
What is the Most Effective Trauma Therapy?

Effective trauma therapy can help clients address traumatic events and process their feelings and emotions in a healthy manner. It can also present the opportunity to be transparent in a safe space and develop coping skills that can help you now and in the future.

Some other benefits of trauma therapy include:

  • Reducing avoidance and fear: Trauma can instil anxiety in individuals and often cause them to avoid certain places, people or situations which they believe remind them of the traumatic event. Our trained therapists help to confront the trauma and overcome certain fears.
  • Improving coping mechanisms: Trauma relates issues are usually associated with beliefs such as “I am not capable of coping with this”. Our therapists are experienced in working with trauma over the years and can help clients equip themselves with the confidence and coping mechanisms required to function and recover.
  • Rebuilding trust: Trauma can often disrupt one’s senses of trust and security and make it hard for them to open up. Therapy helps gradually rebuild the lost trust and for clients to develop a sense of safety and security.
  • Challenging problematic beliefs: Our therapists can help clients challenge their problematic thinking patterns and help make sense of rational reasons as to why the traumatic event could have occurs. Therapy can also help to alleviate these irrational beliefs and help individuals develop new perspectives relating to the traumatic event they experienced.
  • Offering validation: Those who may have suffered trauma are often repeatedly told that their thoughts, feelings and reactions are irrational and unreasonable. Our therapists actively work with clients to help validate their experiences and offer compassion and understanding when helping individuals heal and recover.


Some therapy modalities we offer when dealing with clients suffering from trauma include:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT inherently alters negative thought patterns which may be affecting your life. Our therapists using CBT may encourage clients to re-evaluate their thinking patterns in order to recognise thought patterns that are unhelpful. Our aim is to help the clients reconceptualise their understanding of the traumatic event and also their understanding of themselves.
  • Art Therapy: Our therapists found through the use of art therapy or play therapy, clients suffering from trauma were able to express more positive feelings, externalize their abnormal emotions and gain further insight into their trauma symptoms. This was specifically seen when working with children.
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT): EFT is an approach to therapy we use which is based on the understanding that one’s emotions play a crucial role in who we are and how we behave. EFT aims to increase emotional awareness, enhance emotional regulation and transform emotions.
  • Psychosynthesis: This form of therapy focuses on the personal growth and development of clients. This method of therapy is also known as the transpersonal approach because it integrates several factors, including cognitive, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects.
  • Gestalt Therapy: Gestalt therapy is a person-centred therapy that clients people let go of issues faced in the past that may have been keeping them from moving forward with their lives. Our therapists use this approach to teach clients to stay present and base their emotions, thoughts and behaviours around what is happening in the present.
  • Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy can be an extremely effective resource to help clients with processing Trauma. Using hypnosis as part of the therapy process allows clients to access painful or disassociated memories from their subconscious mind and restructure/reframe them in the present.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy: A form of therapy that encourages clients to briefly focus and put emphasis on the traumatic event while simultaneously experiencing a form of ‘bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements) which are associated with a significant reduction in the vividness associated with the traumatic memories. Although EMDR is used by some practitioners, our therapists do believe the alternative approaches mentioned above provide a more concise and structured treatment.
Where to Find an Experienced Trauma Therapist in Thailand

 Most people will experience some form of trauma at some point in their lives. Some may experience symptoms initially and recover within a short period, and some may experience more long-term and reoccurring symptoms of persistent trauma.

Our therapists are trained to help clients who are suffering from persistent trauma to manage these symptoms and also improve their overall quality of life.

At Counselling Thailand, we offer multilingual therapists in Bangkok and Chiang Mai who are accessible either in person or online, depending on the client’s personal comfort and preference. We offer our therapy services in English, Thai, Mandarin, Indonesian, Vietnamese and Korean in order for our clients to feel they can relate to our team of therapists and choose one they think would be the best fit for them.

Trauma Therapy Online – available for single sessions or 12 week programme


Online therapy refers to counselling services that are conducted digitally. In contrast to traditional therapy, this up and coming form of therapy also referred to as online counselling allows individuals to connect with our experienced therapists and counsellors from the comfort of their own homes.

Before deciding whether online therapy can be right for you, it is always helpful to explore some of the advantages of this form of therapy:

  • Online therapy is said to be just as effective as regular therapy: With the rise of the digital age, online therapy has gained immense traction and is said to be just as effective as traditional therapy. Some clients even prefer it to face-to-face therapy.
  • A good option for remote areas: Online therapy offers direct access to therapists around the world for those who live in rural or remote areas. Having to commute long hours and take time out of a busy schedule can be a burden for a number of clients. Online therapy allows you quick and easy access to therapy that may have not been readily available in your geographical location.
  • Accessible for those with physical limitations: Online therapy is hugely beneficial for those individuals who are housebound or may have certain physical limitations. These individuals who are advised against leaving their houses for various reasons may find that online therapy is most useful.
  • Affordability and convenience: Online therapy is easily accessible and affordable. We also give our clients immense flexibility when working with them online, so they are free to schedule sessions based on their convenience.
  • Help is more accessible: The digital age has made treatment far more accessible in today’s generation. Online therapy makes it easier to overcome a certain stigma often associated with seeking support for emotional challenges.

12 week Coping with Trauma Programme

In addition to offer individual trauma counselling / therapy sessions we also offer a 12 stage coping with trauma programme. This involves 12 x 60 minute online sessions and includes the following

  1. The journey to the past
  2. Catharsis negative emotions
  3. Self-awareness exercises
  4. Empy chair and closure of the past
  5. Knowing the survival personality
  6. Embracing the authentic personality
  7. Living in the present
  8. The journey to the future
  9. The purpose of life (IKIGAI)
  10. Reflection of meaningful life
  11. Action plan
  12. Closure


Please note we do not offer any group trauma counselling. All sessions are private individual sessions with our trauma specialist therapist.

If you feel you or anyone around you is suffering from the many symptoms associated with trauma, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly through our website. Additionally, we also offer a free 15 minute consultation call before you get started on your journey together, to make sure this is the right fit for you or simply for them to answer any questions you have about the entire process.

How to get Started

At Counselling Thailand, we understand the importance of finding the right therapist for addressing your concerns and needs. That’s why we offer a free initial 15 minute consultation for individuals and 30 minutes for couples and families before booking your first therapy appointment.

First, complete our online client enquiry form. This will give a little extra information to help us select whom we believe the most suitable therapist would be and then we can email you a list of available appointment times for the free initial call.

During this consultation, we will discuss your specific situation and determine whether our approach aligns with your needs. We will also answer any questions you may have. If you decide to proceed with counselling, we can then schedule the first full session(s) at a mutually convenient time.

If you have any questions before booking the free initial call you can either visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page,  or mention these whilst completing the online enquiry form.