Alcohol Counselling in Chiang Mai



Committing to ALCOHOL COUNSELLING IN CHIANG MAI OR BANGKOK is one of the key steps in treating ALCOHOLISM and problem drinking. Many people have their perception of alcoholism what constitutes being an alcoholic and the difference between a heavy drinker, a binge drinker, a problem drinker and an alcoholic. Because people are unable to place themselves into one specific category this stops the majority of people seeking help so it is not important at this stage which of the above may be more applicable to you. What is most important however is whether you identify and accept that your drinking has or is starting to become problematic and that you may need help to stop or try to control your drinking as you have been unsuccessful in trying to do this on your own.


Some of the reasons or excuses for not seeking help include the following:

  • “I ONLY drink beer”      
  • “I just need to learn how to control my drinking better” 
  • “I don’t have a problem as I don’t drink first thing on a morning”
  • “I work hard and drinking helps me unwind”
  • “I need alcohol to sleep”

Now one or more of these might be true however if you have visited this website and are considering speaking to an alcohol counsellor in Chiang Mai then this suggests that your current drinking may have increased to the point you are concerned that you are finding it more difficult to stop or to control how much alcohol you drink and you are experiencing side effects or co-existing problems mentioned below.

Alcohol counselling will help you learn, understand and accept how alcohol is affecting you and those around you. An experienced alcohol counsellor will help identify what negative consequences have been caused by alcohol and help break through deep routed denial and after undergoing alcohol detox (if recommended by Thai medical Doctor or Psychiatrist) followed by an initial period of abstinence you can make an informed decision whether you are an alcoholic and whether you or not wish to lead a sober life. 

How does Alcohol Counselling in Chiang Mai differ from Alcohol Rehab?

Some of the most effective alcohol treatment in Chiang Mai and Bangkok incorporates alcohol counselling which isn’t a quick fix on how to moderate or stop drinking. Alcohol abuse or heavy drinking for those who do not see it as a form of abuse is just a surface problem. What lies deeper are the areas that need to be fully investigated. This can take time and a professional counsellor will assess the best way to go about this. Many people use alcohol as a coping mechanism or crutch for many things ranging from anxietydepression, grief, relationship breakdown, social inclusion as well deeper core issues such as childhood trauma, mental, physical or sexual abuse. Various approaches are used by professional counsellors in Chiang Mai and therapists in Bangkok the most common being Person-Centred Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) .

Before even commencing any form of alcohol counselling it may be necessary for clients to speak to a qualified medically trained mental health professional such as a Doctor or Psychiatrist with experience working with alcoholics who have a physical dependency with alcohol and the health implications that go with this or those with a history of drinking alcohol who might not yet be showing any physical side effects. There are several licensed alcohol rehabs in Thailand and there are some very well-known addiction treatment centres in Chiang Mai that offer onsite alcohol detox followed by a rehabilitation programme.

Effective drug and alcohol treatment programmes will have certain key components on treating alcohol dependence in a safe and secure environment away from distractions and triggers within their home environment allowing those looking for help to stop drinking long term to do intense work on themselves with daily support from professionals and all the other benefits primary rehabs in Thailand have to offer.

Counselling Thailand offers alcohol counselling across Thailand including Chiang Mai, Bangkok and online for more remote areas where in person counselling options may be limited. Although very experienced in helping people recover from alcohol problems it is important to note that we are not a rehab and cannot give specific advice around alcohol detox in Thailand or certain mental health needs. However, providing we have any client’s permission we can work alongside one of the many reputable alcohol rehabs to help facilitate the most appropriate form of treatment which may include a 28-day or preferably 60-day residential rehab followed by outpatient counselling or aftercare with ourselves post-rehab either in Chiang Mai, Bangkok or online.

What is Alcohol Detox?

Alcohol detox is the process to assist people looking to stop drinking from severe health complications that can result from alcohol withdrawal after stopping drinking. An alcohol detox regime may be recommended for those with a long history of alcohol abuse, particularly those who are daily drinkers or have experienced certain withdrawal symptoms such as (but not limited to) one or more of the following: insomnia, shakes, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, excessive sweating, high fever, hallucinations, seizures, extreme anxiety and panic attacks.

Any alcohol detox medication should only be administered by a licensed medical professional and the safest and most recommended place should be in a hospital or alcohol rehab that has been regulated by the Ministry of Public Health Thailand.  

Where can I find an Alcohol Counsellor in Chiang Mai or Bangkok?

Brett Thornton (AKA Yim Thai) is an experienced alcohol counsellor in Chiang Mai. Having worked for some of the most well-known rehabs in Thailand including the Cabin Addiction Services Group where he facilitated and managed the relapse prevention and aftercare programmes Brett continues to work as a professional consultant providing aftercare services for approved rehabs.

Brett has helped many clients struggling with alcohol dependency over recent years and has a wealth of knowledge and personal experience in all aspects of how to recover from alcoholism and live a clean and sober life. Brett is himself a recovering alcoholic with over 12 years of continuous sobriety and having first-hand knowledge of having successfully battled the early stages of recovery from alcoholism. Brett is one of the most respected independent alcohol counsellors in Chiang Mai

So, whether you are seeking help for the first time or you have previous experience of a sober life which you want to get back please contact our counselling team for a free confidential no obligation 15 minute telephone consultation.

Every recovery first started with one sober hour so let us help you to make the positive changes in your life and live the life you deserve.