Therapist in Pai
Where to Find Therapist in Pai
Pai is a picture-perfect town set approximately midway between Mae Hong Son and Chiang Mai, and is a dream destination for several travellers which makes finding a therapist in Pai particularly difficult as therapy services tend to be more of a holistic type approach.
We at Counselling Thailand are privileged to announce our online counselling services in Pai. Our sessions are offered on a group or individual basis, depending purely on our clients preference. We also offer our services in Thai and English Language. Our services range from depression counselling, anxiety counselling,alcohol counselling, couples counselling and also hypnotherapy amongst others.
Benefits of Working with a Therapist in Pai
We are currently living in extremely unprecedented times. Aside from fearing for your health, individuals may also be dealing with extreme feelings of stress, isolation, anxiety and overall depression. We are here to tell you; you are not alone. Unfortunately, many individuals face, time and geographical barriers which may impede their access to true quality professional support available with a therapist in Pai. We are here to promote the acceptance of online therapy as a viable option. Online therapy can also work as a solution for those who live in remote areas, they do not have to commute great distances every time they’re scheduled for a session and can simply access therapy online.
If you have any queries regarding our services, please do reach out to us via the details provided on our website. Additionally, we do offer a free consultation over the phone to make sure you’re convinced we are the best fit for you.